Well. I finished
HP: OotP today, which sucks a bit because I enjoyed it and now there's nothing left to read except for fanfiction -- at least until the 6th book gets written and published, anyway, and who knows when that'll be?
My dilemma of the week (I live a harsh, terrible life... *sarcasm alert*) is that I don't know which
LOTR: TTT DVD I'd rather have: the theatrical edition, with cool-sounding extras, or the extended edition, which is, well, extended. My mom said "just buy both" (possibly also with a hint of sarcasm, but in the midst of my excitable babble, I may not have noticed), and I said that I'd thought about it but that my parents would think I'd truly lost my mind.
Which, come to think of it, isn't that much of a loss since they already think I'm going bonkers, so really... But then, should I really buy
both editions? To the casual observer, wouldn't that seem like a waste of money/time/effort/space? I'm annoyed. They just couldn't consolidate the two editions into one, making the extra/extended scenes a special feature rather than a whole different set? Sigh.
1. So where are you working?
I work for the provincial government in the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. I'm in the central public health laboratory building working as a business office assistant. It's not too bad, so far. I'm in my third week now out of a total of 7 (my last day will be August 5).
2. Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Cotten Eye Joe? *g*
Well, I don't know who this Cotton-eyed Joe is, but I came from outer space, then I went into inner space, and eventually got to the planet Earth, to the continent North America, to the lovely country Canada. :)
3. Eww you saw the hulk? How was it?
I've seen better movies, I've seen worse movies. It felt long at 2h30, and it did take itself awfully seriously for a comic-book adaptation. I don't know. I don't think I'm a big fan of the movie, but I appreciate the effort that went into making it, anyway. And besides, going to see
The Hulk meant I finally got to see the
POTC trailer on the big-screen. *grins*